Monday, September 5, 2011

Rampart Ideas.

So I came up with a few ideas for the rampart game. Rampart was an Atari game where you could select a castle and build a number of cannons to defend your castle. After you build the cannon the attack begins. There is very little control with the assault - you are solely allowed to direct the general direction of fire. After all is said and done than the objective is to fix the castle with essentially Tetris pieces in a timed amount then start the assault again. SO my proposal would take a different approach. I want to make a 2.5D castle defense strategy game. Many games like Stronghold and Robin Hood the legend of sherwood take on 1. Build a castle 2. Earn Money 3. Defend from the enemy/ Attack the enemy. I can't deny I love these games and want to use all these features but I wan't to make the medieval times modern. I want the castle to be filled with steroid jacked knights but with m16 of miniguns. The Castle will be upgradable from classic catapults to EMP catapults. The wall cannons will go from old school to laser cannons, the moat would be filled with crossing lasers or lines of chainsaws. The whole premise is upgrading by generations not just better medieval weapons. Also the enemy would be a robot army that would start from wind-up swordsman or the energy bunny with a malice to wind up with cannons and tanks and more. Also to make the game different you view would be posted behind the castle walls and when a wave of enemies come you can take a position in the gun turret or as a knight and help shoot down the bad guys.

My other idea is a castle defense that has characters with abilities. Like people who can manipulate metal and can deflect or stop cannon fire, or healers, fire benders, spell casters - but all with a limited amount so you need to use them strategically to defend and attack the enemy. This premise could still be used with my futuristic knights. Also it might be fun to rip off angry birds and when an wave comes you can switch to 2d and catapult stupid things and the enemy like a cow, or Monty Python killer bunnies. Sounds fun right.

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