Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Plugg'n Away

Ok so this last week I produced the animation for the big knight as well as the animation for the little knight. I also finished repairing some of my own code and fbx links in the menu and added a better game over screen. ALSO I added a point counter system for the game. I'm coding alot more than doing art because I'm at the end of the production chain and the start of the chain is going very slow - it concerns me deeply.

What I'm working on this week is adding a high score system so there is a point to the game besides being fun. Also I'm promised some art to start working with for other characters. I also will be taking all the notes I was given today on my current animations and be reforming them for a better look. If the art doesn't come then I will work on making some of the GUI more appealing.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Just A Little Waiting

We decided that an assembly line style of art would help keep us consistent. That being said I'm in the Animation track of the assembly line so it is moving a little slow for me. I did create the menu, splash screen, and made a quick gameover screen with coding and a few artistic pieces to fill my time. I also added sound to the game to make it feel like I wasn't doing nothing for the project. All this said I really want to get some characters to start my process. I built the little enemy knight and produced a few short animations but our main character is going to be a lot of work to get it look'n really good so I'm a little anxious. No fear though I'm gonna keep working on the little details that make up a full game.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Workin Like A Dog

Ok so over the break I didn't really do much as far as a vacation. I mostly stayed home and worked on various game productions. For "Fat Knight" I finished coding the title, and menu screens as well as adding some art to them. I also created a png character of our small enemy and did a few animations to give the programmers something to work with. Tonight I will do some javascript work to add sound and hopefully a pause menu if I can get it to work.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's Coming Along

Ok so this last week I got a lot done. I designed a menu that isn't just buttons - it has a moving menu button planks that involve physics interaction. It has sound and some design and is coded for links to the other levels. I also have done most of the outline work for the small enemy character sprites and this week once they are colored I will begin on animations. Also I have produced three different title splash screens which we will compare and decide on in class today. I will post the pictures of what I have done a little later this week when they are more refined.