Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Think'n Bout Games

I started thinking about the potential games that we could create with the random titles on the class blog. I have only handled 3 of them but I think there descent ideas. For the balloon cargo I thought of a game that allows two types of battle. One part of the game allows you to build turrets and protective smaller craft around your hot air ballon battle ship as a strategy/survival. The second part lets you do a double control flying through a difficult canyon while shooting turrets and taking down assaulting craft. For the side view RTS I though of a side shooter with the maximum amount of fire power and gore mixed with classic mario. I think the picture shows enough. Then for bumper turtles we could just make a really funny looking pinball machine and instead of just gaining points - when the shell is shot into a tube or specific spot on the board you enter into a mini-game to gain more points. Last don't judge my drawings they were just quick doodles.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Ok - Today I approached the same neighbors, and sanitation worker(my friend) I discussed the problems they would like solved to. I showed them two drawing of trash cans. They like the idea of the trash can with the adjustable handle bar for closed spaces and to hold the lid closed outside, as well as the flip up scoop in the back to hold and additional bag on pick up. The sand base was ok to some but some of the women expressed that it might make it difficult to move and that placing the can on the side of the house would be an easy solution for windy days. Everyone liked the foot pedal to lift the lid and the larger wheel for cracked up driveways. My neighbors said they would pay 3 or 4 dollars extra a month on their utilities to handle any additional cost for the state. My other prototype was good but many concerns were expressed. One stated "the net is ok but it doesn't handle the sides when the lid is open", on the same feature the sanitation worker said "it's great to hold the trash in but it creates a time-consuming problem if the homeowner forgets to unhook it for pickup, and if they do the trash could still fall out into the street".  Finally I spoke with a family friend Brian Cook who used to be the Mayor of Kaysville - He stated "I think it's great because if the foot-pedal breaks or other things break 90% of the time it work be the liability of the homeowner so the state would only need to address the repair problems for most everything when the home changes ownership".

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Making a new Garbage Can - BrainStorm and Research

Ok -
 For this assignment I went to many of my neighbors and used my own experience to attempt to reinvent the current garbage can for the user. For the pickup I called a friend who has worked in the industry. I first asked about the problems for the homeowner. The most common were space - if stored in a garage or other, falling trash(when overfilled), tipping trash can during heavy wind, sanitation, durability, and hillside rodent dumpster diving. For the pickup the only problem stated was trash bags on the side of the can and the difficult placements in tight communities. For my brainstorming I came up with a lot - bigger wheels for easy movement, a sand based false bottom to make the can heavy, a handle bar that can adjust to flip down for storage or on top of the lid to keep it closed from rodents and in case of a tip over, a foot pedal to open the lid for sanitation or two handed loads, and another flip out plastic scoop on the back of the can for a bag   to sit on the back that will not obstruct the pickup and will fall into the truck as well, or a bungie net that can flip over from the lid and hook to the brim to hold in garbage from an overfilled can. I think these ideas are practical and cheep. The only concern I would have is the foot opener for the lid. The lid is heavy and the mechanics might not last for years and years.