Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A lot of polish

Ok I know I lagged on this post the last couple of weeks a little, but, it's only because I was doing a lot of work for this class. I think since my last post there has been a lot that I have done. I created background spinning objects off of kelly's design, changed textures in the menu system, coded a score system - but nick was at the same time and his was a bit better, animated all the characters which is still a work in progress. I also helped with cleaning up the movements and the speeds of the characters. Last I created the score counter for time played and enemies killed as well as the score board and a timer to reset the menu system. I think there may be more but that's all I can think of. This project has been a lot of work and I'm very proud of our product at this point. Earlier in the semester I was concerned because none of the other artists were producing but now coming to the end and after the play test - many of them seem to have a new fire and are pushing out good finished products.

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