Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Well this week is the final push of the game. There is very little to do since we artist want to keep our hands off to avoid confusion in this last week. I have created and Help system in the main menu though that links to credits, a screen shot with indicators to describe what the player will see, and also a controls description. Kelly helped a bit with changing some texture but overall it looks really good. After this semester we want to get together and see if anyone is truly committed to taking this game further. Of course I still want to submit what we have to ninjabee or other local companies to see if they want to help us or pick it up - but we want to see if the team wants to implement other levels, powerups, and enemies. Without at least a small portion willing to do it - it might not be worth it for us to do anything more. I know that if Nick or Ron wanted to do it than I would be more that willing to handle any/all further art. I'm very proud of this game and I can't wait to share it with friends, family, and future employers.